“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” -- Matthew 13:44 Jesus is the best, and when we truly see Him we understand that nothing in life can compare to knowing and following Him. He is the greatest treasure. He is worth it all! I want to know Him more! And I want to make Him known to others. What a gift! TEAM For almost four weeks in May and June we hosted an amazing missions team from Oral Roberts University. It was an incredibly full time and a joyful and fruitful one as well. Together we shared the gospel all over Masaka and some in western Uganda and Kampala as well, and we saw many people turn to Jesus. We were able to return multiple times to a good number of these and begin the process of discipling them and helping them to settle into small simple churches that we call Mustard Seed Fellowships. It was a powerful time. One day a couple of team members shared with a barber named John who has a small shop near our home. John readily responded to the call to salvation and our team prayed with him to receive Jesus. Over the ensuing weeks, they had several Bible studies and prayer times with him in his small barber shop. Since the team left, Philip has been faithfully discipling and spending time with him. Another group shared with a lady named Regina for whom Jill has been praying since October. Regina lives near where we stayed our first four months in Uganda last year, and Jill became fiends with her on her frequent walks through the village. Early on, Jill had an impression that the Lord wanted to bring Regina to Himself and that she would be a “person of peace” to influence others towards Christ as well. For a long time Regina showed little interest in the Gospel, but then she responded to Jesus’ call when the team shared with her. Jill has had several follow-up Bible studies and prayer times with her since then, and Regina has invited several of her neighbors to join these weekly times of fellowship. There are many stories similar to these, and we are so grateful and excited about the work of God in Masaka and other parts of Uganda. It is a thrill to be part of it! LAND GIFT Our wonderful friends Darren and Fatuma O’Quinn have given us a plot of land right next to theirs.(!!!) We are blown away by this generosity and are very excited to see what the Lord may do with this incredible gift. After a season of prayer and seeking wisdom, our intent is to build a small training and retreat center on the land, with a space for our family to live as well. The plot is on top of “Hallelujah Mountain,” the location of the ministry Darren and Fatuma lead in taking care of street kids and welcoming them into family (https://www.loveandcareforall.org). The Lord has already provided enough funds to get started on the construction, and we are currently waiting for the process of our blueprints being approved by the necessary government entities. The idea of building is quite intimidating to us, but we are trusting the Lord and moving forward. If you’d like to know more about this, or donate funds for the ongoing construction once it gets going, please let us know. PETER!! Our son, Peter, came to visit for two weeks, and man it was so amazing. We are more grateful than we can say. We played games, attended discipleship groups, ate good food, had wonderful conversations, went swimming in Lake Nabugabo, and just enjoyed every minute of it. How amazing! USA Visit We are planning to be in the US soon and are hoping to catch up in person with many of you. If you are interested in meeting up or in us sharing in a small group or church, please let us know. We plan to be in Michigan, Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Massachusetts, and maybe other states. Thanks for your interest in our lives and for reading this update. We would greatly appreciate your prayers if you think of us. We’d also love to hear from you and know what is happening in your lives. God bless you! With Love, Tim and Jill (and Philip and Hannah)
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