Update June 2021 We are overwhelmed with the love and support and prayers and encouragement we have received from you, and want to say thank you so so much! As we move into high gear in preparing to move to Uganda, we are amazed at how we have been lifted and strengthened by the generosity and love of our friends and family. Wow. Thank you! You are making the move more difficult because of the waves of affection we feel for you, but easier because we feel the strength and support and prayers that you provide for us. Whew! It has been quite a spring, and summer is promising to be pretty crazy as well. PHILIP and HANNAHfinished school a few weeks ago, and are enjoying the summer break. They did really well, enjoyed good friendships, and made an impact on those around them. We’re really thankful for Legacy Alliance / CEA and all this community has meant to our family over the years. JILL, of course, also finished her school year. She taught 5th and 6th grade for the past two years, and I am so incredibly proud of her. She poured her heart and soul into teaching, and loved each of her students deeply. She went above and beyond to do the very best job she could and to lift and support her students. I am so amazed at her, and often wondered how she managed to do it all. Jill has loved teaching in the classroom these two years, and is now tearfully putting away her teaching materials as she looks to the next season. I am confident that the Lord will continue to use her to demonstrate his love to children and to help disciple them into strong followers of Jesus. One of the attributes that sets her apart is how deeply she cares - about the kids in her class, about the work of teaching in general, and about the families that she serves. She is a wonder. I am writing this from beautiful Charlottesville, Virginia, where I am on a quick visit to see my Mom and the rest of the family. I’ll be back home in Tulsa this weekend, and then, by God’s grace, Jill, Philip, Hannah, and I will set out on a great adventure next week. Over the coming month and a half or so, we intend to make stops in Colorado Springs, Denver, Helena, Detroit, and Charlottesville. We plan to be back in Tulsa in mid-July and for the month of August, with a brief trip to Austin thrown in, before heading to Uganda. WE’D LOVE TO CONNECT WITH YOU IN PERSON IF YOU ARE IN ANY OF THOSE AREAS. In addition to graduations, end of school stuff, and family visits, the month of May has been full. We finalized many of our responsibilities in Tulsa, participated in a Solemn Assembly with our friends from Tulsa House of Prayer, visited old friends in Daingerfield Texas and preached at Church on the Rock Daingerfield, were prayed for and sent out by our Believers Church friends and oversight, taught “Hands on the Nations” with BC kids, helped to equip ORU students preparing to go on domestic mission trips, celebrated and dedicated a new crew of boiler room babies / toddlers, Hannah had her first piano recital (and also attended her first high school youth group), we lead our final elder meeting, helped to encourage and equip a group of Burmese young leaders in sharing the gospel, continued facilitating an Antioch course (Biblical Theology - the Writings), hosted Saturday “spud” (house church), enjoyed lots of good time (but never quite enough) with really special people, tried to get work done on preparing for the big move, etc. We love you and appreciate you so much. It would be great to hear from you, and we hope to see many of you in the coming weeks. |